Our services – Harbour operations

Our approach
Our core business : harbour towage
The heart of our business has always been assistance to ships within port areas. From France to North and West Africa all the way to the Indian Ocean, we are proud to provide harbour towage services in 13 ports and terminals around the world.
Experience and know-how
Because of our skilled crews and equipment highly adapted to all situations, we are able to assist vessels of all types and sizes. From small coasting vessels to giant containerships, each year we assist thousands of vessels in all kinds of weather to berth, get under way or move alongside.
Where we operate
FRANCE : Dunkirk – Le Havre and Antifer – Brest – Saint Nazaire, Donges, Montoir, Nantes – La Rochelle (La Pallice) – Marseille, Fos, Lavera
Safety and performance
Safety and performance are essential elements that go hand in hand with cost-effective, high-quality services.
Our operations answer to the highest international quality and safety standards and we apply them to all our operation sites. It’s our way of contributing, with other members of the harbour community, to our clients’ performance, and to the smooth operations of the ports.
24/7 reliability
Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Non-stop.
AFRICA : Morocco: Tanged Med – Senegal: Dakar – Ivory Coast: Abidjan, San Pedro – Cameroon: Douala
INDIAN OCEAN : Mayotte – Reunion Island

Customized operational solutions
BOLUDA TOWAGE FRANCE continues its strategic development around towage, its core business, by providing a full range of harbour services. Through customized operational solutions and the application of our high HSEQ standards, we answer to our clients’ requirements for quality and efficiency.
Pilot services
To answer to popular demand from our clients and local port authorities, we now provide pilot services in certain locations.
We provide two types of pilot services :
Pilot boats – We crew and manage our own pilot boats to efficiently transfer pilots to and from vessels, often in heavy seas.
Pilotage – Our pilots bring their skilled knowledge of manoeuvers, of the port and its specific environment to masters of all types of vessels.
These services are essential to safe navigation and operations.
Pilot services are provided in the following ports:
Tanged Med (Marocco)
San Pedro (Ivory Coast)
Mooring services
Mooring services are an integral part of the services available through BOLUDA FRANCE. Mooring, unmooring and shifting are provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Non-stop.
These services are possible because of highly skilled, experienced employees who expertly use specific equipment, such as launches and trucks, to manoeuvre heavy ship lines.
Mooring services actively contribute to the safety of vessels and harbour facilities. They are provided in the following ports:
Tanged Med (Marocco)
Abidjan (Ivory Coast)
Reunion Island
Douala (Cameroon)

BOLUDA TOWAGE FRANCE strongly contributes to safety at sea and in ports. Our tugs, some specially fitted with firefighting and pollution control equipment, can quickly intervene to cope with emergency situations.
Safety of vessels and harbour facilities
Harbour facilities are high risk locations, with different industrial activities cohabiting in a relatively small area
Chemical plants
Industrial sites
Bulk, oil and gas, and other types of terminals
Passenger traffic
Moreover, the flow of often giant vessels, carrying potentially hazardous products, dangerous for the environment, never stops. Under such conditions safety must not be an option.
This is why we provide our services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Non-stop. Our dedicated staff and sophisticated equipment are always ready to contribute to your safety, with:
Emergency towage
Pollution control
Standby services
Assistance and salvage
At sea, the smallest incident can quickly become disastrous. Because the protection of human lives, of the environment, and of our customers’ assets is highly important to us, we also provide emergency solutions.
Our tugs are strategically positioned to be able to intervene in the Channel, the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, and the Indian Ocean.
On each of our locations our seagoing tugs can be called with very short notice. Our crews are specifically trained to emergency situations.
As part of their training, our crews regularly participate in emergency simulations, either planned internally or by other members of the port community.
BOLUDA TOWAGE FRANCE has been awarded a contract for coastal protection with the French Navy (assistance, firefighting, pollution control, container retrieval, etc.).
We are a member of the International Salvage Union.
l’environnement et des biens.
Stratégiquement positionnés, nos remorqueurs interviennent en Manche, en Atlantique, en Méditerranée ou dans l’océan Indien.
Sur chacun de nos sites d’exploitation, nos remorqueurs de mer sont mobilisables sous préavis très court. Nos équipages sont spécialement formés aux situations d’urgence.
Pour compléter leurs formations d’urgence, nos équipages participent régulièrement à des simulations internes ou en coopération avec d’autres acteurs du port.
BOLUDA TOWAGE FRANCE est sous contrat avec la Marine nationale française dans le cadre de l’action de l’Etat en mer (AEM) pour des missions de protection du littoral (sauvetage, lutte anti pollution, récupération de conteneurs tombés à l’eau etc…).
Nous sommes membre de l’International Salvage Union.

In addition to towage services, we provide customized marine services such as anchor handling, crew transfer, delivery of supplies to vessels, etc.

For more information or to discuss your marine projects, give us a call or send us an e-mail.